Anjuli (Class of 2016)

girl holding a crab

Hi, my name’s Anjuli and I’m a past pupil of Greenfield. I have just left this year at the age of 10 and am going to Guildford High School.

Greenfield was like a second home to me, everyone was so caring and friendly. This might sound cheesy, but really, they were! I have so much I want to write about this school but I sadly do not have an infinite amount of time or computer screen.

I came to Greenfield when I was 3 years old and went into Owls. That was an awesome year! Doing nothing but dressing up, mushing coloured dough and trying to write my name. School would have been so much easier if I just did that for 7 years. Except that we didn’t! We did have lessons and subjects. My favourite subject at Greenfield was English; I love to write stories and descriptive paragraphs.

My biggest interests and participations were in Music and Sport, so let’s start with Music. I learnt the violin in school and the piano out of school. I loved being part of the Orchestra, Senior String Quartet, Chamber Choir, Senior Choir and Rock band. Lots and lots and lots of music! I also did LAMDA, which is basically drama and performing arts.

Now sport! My favourite sport at Greenfield was definitely netball and using the advantage of my height, I was usually always the goalkeeper. I was defence in everything! Netball, football, hockey…. One thing I learnt from hockey is to NEVER try and do cheerleading in a heavy goalkeeper’s kit. BAD experience.

Onto Year 6. That was the most memorable and fun year. Everyone would think, no! The stress of exams is too much to bear! But they’re wrong. The aim of school is to have fun while learning, right? And that’s exactly what happened.

It was more exciting than scary when everyone got their senior school results. I was thrilled to get into all three schools I wrote for! But my fondest memory of this year was going on our school trips (Isle of Wight and Bushcraft, so much fun!) and performing our leavers play Hairspray. It was really sad on the day of the leavers’ assembly and barbeque. We girls didn’t bother to hold the emotions back; we broke down completely! On the contrary, the boys were silent and just stood awkwardly next to us! If I could give some advice to current Year 6 pupils, it’s to make the most of this year; you’ll never be able to get it again.

I am going on to Guildford High School and although I’m sad to be leaving Greenfield behind, I’m really excited thinking about the new experiences I will have in senior school. Greenfield prepared me really well by giving me the knowledge I have, otherwise I wouldn’t be where I am now, but mainly Greenfield gave me confidence. Without them, I wouldn’t be the loud, chatty girl I am now!

I hope that children looking at this will feel inspired and come to this amazing school to learn new things, make awesome friends and to have fun.

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Friday, 22nd November, 9 am

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girl and a teacher working at their desk