boy playing the electric guitar

Category: News

Children’s Festival 2024: Life Below Water

12th June 2024

On Thursday 6th June, Greenfield School hosted its 5th annual ‘Children’s Festival’. Children from state and preparatory schools across Surrey came together for a day of activities and discussions around…

Issue #2: The Greenfield Review (May 2024)

10th May 2024

As we enter the summer months and enjoy the last dazzling chapter of the academic year, we have taken the time to reflect on the past 3-6 months at Greenfield…

Over £3000 Raised for Charity by Year 6 Entrepreneurs

2nd May 2024

Each year at Greenfield School, following the completion of exams and securing senior school offers and scholarships, our Year 6 students brace themselves for the eagerly anticipated challenge known as…

Earth Hour 2024

23rd March 2024

Earth Hour is a global movement which takes place this evening at 8.30pm on Saturday 23rd March, and is aimed at raising awareness about environmental issues. The idea that by…

Neurodiversity Celebration Week

21st March 2024

In a world where diversity is increasingly recognised and celebrated, Greenfield School places inclusion at the forefront of its ethos, particularly during Neurodiversity Celebration Week. This week, we come together…

Congratulations Year 6 Class of 2024!

1st March 2024

Our Year 6 class of 2024 have an abundance of options that lie ahead in their bright futures as we celebrate an incredible number of senior school offers this year….

Celebrating Diversity: International Language Day

21st February 2024

Every year the 21st February marks International Mother Language Day: a worldwide annual observance held to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and to celebrate multilingualism. A Diverse Community…

Nurturing Minds and Building Bonds: Children’s Mental Health Week

8th February 2024

At Greenfield School, we believe that happiness is the precursor to success and therefore the wellbeing of our students is at the forefront of our priorities. Every year, we wholeheartedly…

Developing a Love of Reading

2nd February 2024

At Greenfield School, a strong emphasis is placed on reading for children’s development. Exploring creative approaches to literacy and developing a love of reading are key tactics used to help…

Anti-Bullying Week

17th November 2023

From 13th – 17th November, Greenfield celebrated Anti-Bullying Week! The theme this year is “Make a noise with kindness”, and we placed a focus on reaching out and helping others…

Reception Taster Morning

Tuesday, 10th September, 9 am – 10 am

For families looking to join Reception in September 2025.

For further information please click here:

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