smiling boy


Above all else, everyone at Greenfield strives to ensure that our children are happy and thriving when at school. We are always incredibly grateful to receive positive feedback from families and believe that they are a valuable source of information for prospective parents.

Here are some quotes and testimonials from some current and past families.

“I wanted to say thank you for all the amazing support you have given [our daughter] since we have been at Greenfield. As [she] progresses, I realise how incredibly lucky we have been to have crossed paths with you.  It is not an understatement to say you and your team have transformed [her] life and made us think everything is possible for her. It’s easy to take these things for granted and become accustomed to a supportive environment. So I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to you, your ethos and the incredible team you have created. I am truly grateful.”

– Parent of children in Year 2 and Little School, November 2023.

“I just wanted to send you a very quick note to relay something [our son] has said recently. He was completing a tricky piece of Maths homework, and when I offered to support him, he replied ‘No thank you, Greenfield gave me all the tools I need to help me through it’. Isn’t that just the most wonderful gift you have all given! I am so proud of progress [he] has made on his journey so far, but he couldn’t of done it without the most amazing support of everyone at Greenfield. I know I have said it to you a hundred times, but I will say it once more…thank you for changing his life.”

– Parent of Greenfield alumni, November 2023.

“I just want to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to yourself and the whole of Greenfield School/community for all your support and all you have done for us as a family, especially the girls. They have loved every minute of their time at Greenfield and we as a family will miss you all terribly. You have helped them overcome so many challenges and fears and I can see just how Greenfield has shaped their lives and their capabilities in the classroom it really is quite incredible how far hey have come and how they still love learning, one of the biggest gifts in life.”

– Parent of Y6 leavers, November 2023.

“We have been so pleased with the change of the school and very impressed by Greenfield.

[Our son] has been loving Greenfield, and he really likes his teacher and all his classmates. According to him, the learning environment is great and much better than before; he says all the children are very well behaved. He finds all the lessons interesting and likes the extra challenge. We are very happy with the homework and find the guidelines very clear. We were also very impressed to see how much had already been covered in class when we went in last Wednesday to see his books. His teacher gave us some very helpful and lovely feedback too. He] also loves the fact that he can play football at breaktime. He has been loving all the extracurricular clubs that you offer and the ukulele and recorder music lessons. He was able to play tunes back at home after the very first lessons and was very pleased with himself. On our side, we see a much happier and relaxed [child] everyday. He seems to like the more structured work and tasks which seems to give him extra confidence in his ability to do well and to progress.

The drop off and pick up system has been brilliant and [he] really enjoys walking to his classroom by himself. He also seems to find the canteen meals delicious.

We are very thankful that you offered [our son] a space at Greenfield.”

– Parent of Year 2 joiner, May 2023.

I just wanted to email my congratulations for the Christmas concert last night. We really appreciate all the hard work that went into it, and we know many of the teachers stayed late to make it happen. It was clear that a huge amount of rehearsal had gone into it, and the children were so well prepared! Thank you to the teachers for all their efforts. Thank you Greenfield for giving us an opportunity to watch our daughter on the big stage.

Reception parent, December 2022.

“Thank you so much to yourself, Mrs Botting and all the staff for welcoming us to your beautiful school this morning. We would like to particularly thank Thomas your Deputy Head Boy and Phoebe one of your Performing Arts leaders, as they were the most fantastic tour guides, and made the whole visit extremely enjoyable and interesting for myself, my husband and [our son].

We witnessed a culture of respect – it greeted and accompanied us as we walked around. From opening doors for us to always making sure we had seen everything we wanted, and through sharing their stories of what they do and enjoy at school, Phoebe and Thomas exemplified the behaviours and attitude that we also hope[our son] is learning at home and at nursery. We are so grateful for the time they took to give us insights into their school lives. They are both great role models and clearly made an impression on our son as he asked what they were doing next as we drove him to nursery – something great no doubt; we were all taken by how much there was on offer.

It was good to hear that at Greenfield older children enjoy supporting the younger ones; Phoebe told us about the role she has in helping out younger children in her performing arts role, which she said was understandably challenging at times. What a valuable contribution she is making to the society of your school, and what a good opportunity for personal development – I do hope [our son] can share kindness with others like Phoebe in years to come.

Noticing the focus and attention of the children working hard at lessons in your spacious facilities, we were also impressed by the academic side of things; [our son] loved the microscopes on display in the science laboratory, and was fascinated by the posters on the circulatory system. What a special collection of facilities you have for the children to make the most of, thank you for letting us see so much.

Thank you also to the member of staff who made it clear that you have the facility to ensure that all students are given opportunities to fulfil their potential. [Our son] was three years old in July so will be relatively young in a Reception class, and it sounds like each and every pupil is well supported at Greenfield. From all the clubs and activities on offer you must be proud that you ensure there are plenty of things that the children can enjoy and be excited about.

The warm welcome we received was much appreciated, especially on a rainy morning; we were so well looked after and comfortable throughout. Thomas was bubbling over with information in an amazing way – giving us lots of detail about how the school works (lovely to not have bells between lessons and simply be guided by teachers), describing what was going on on the photos on your display boards, holding a keen awareness of what was going on in all the lessons we passed – we could not have asked for a more articulate and friendly tour guide. Both he and Phoebe were wonderful.

[My husband] was especially impressed by your music suite – [our son] really enjoys music already and at home we get sung to regularly – sometimes tuneful, often the Fireman Sam theme(!) – and my husband thought that what you offer in terms of musical opportunity looked really special. My own other takeaway, in addition to being impressed, was that your incredible school must ultimately be a testament to the hard work of all the staff.

Thank you so much to all of you for offering us a chance to see the wonderful environment you have created.”

– Parent of incoming Reception joiner following their Open Morning visit, Sept 2022. 

“I just wanted to send a quick thank you email for providing such a rich environmental for both our boys to flourish. They both seem so enthusiastic about life and school. [Our youngest son] is taking off like a rocket with his reading, writing and creativity. [Our eldest son] seems to always be in a PE kit, mastering the drums and is really getting interested in his Maths at the moment. What wonderful opportunities.”

– Parent of children in Year 3 and Year 6, November 2022.

“We are absolutely delighted with how [our daughter] has settled, and what a wonderful time she is having at Greenfield already, (she tells us every day), it is truly an amazing school and [moving her to Greenfield] was one of the best decisions we have made.

Please extend our thanks to Mrs Botting and all of the team who have helped to make [her] so happy and ensure her move was painless!

We look forward to many happy years ahead.”

Reception parent, September 2022.

“We just wanted to let you know that we now have two very happy boys at Greenfield School. [Our youngest] has settled so quickly and I had a good meeting with his teacher last week who was very calm and reassuring about his progress, considering he is so young for the year. He seems to know half the school already!

[Our eldest] is also very happy and his teacher was extremely helpful this week in helping him address some of his worries about not getting things right all the time and the frustration that comes with that. It is so reassuring to see a school address issues like this so well so the children get used to talking about their feelings and worries at a young age.”

– Parents of Year 1 and Year 4 children, November 2021. 

“We have been hugely impressed by the warmth and professionalism shown by your staff – from the moment they arrive at Kiss and Drop to the time they leave. The fact that Headmistress Mrs Botting is so often there too, greeting the children or saying goodbye at the end of the day sends such a strong message to the children that their school is a place where they are welcome and can feel safe.

[Our youngest son] seems totally relaxed and is loving all the activities in Reception and comes home with a huge smile on his face every day. [Our eldest son] is showing no resistance to school and is having a go a things that would have unthinkable weeks ago. The fact he’s competing in sports fixtures and singing in the concert fills us with joy!

We believe [that his] growing self-esteem and positive attitude is due to the learning environment that Greenfield provides. His teachers are taking the time to get to know him and inspiring him with their lessons and gradually rebuilding his confidence. We’ve also had the opportunity to walk through school twice now during the school day and both times my husband and I have been hugely impressed by the energy and “buzz”.

We don’t take any of it for granted as it’s a very different atmosphere to their previous school and we’re thrilled that they are now on the right path. We look forward to seeing them achieve their potential and being involved with Greenfield for many years to come.”

– Parents of children in Reception and Year 3, October 2021. 

“It was the greatest joy to see [our daughter] having the confidence to put on that performance. All of the children at Greenfield are an absolute credit to themselves and the school, but I just wanted to let you know that I am so appreciative for what you as individuals, and collectively as a school, are doing for them.”

– Year 4 parent, October 2021. 

“[Our youngest son] has settled so quickly and his teacher is very calm and reassuring about his progress as he’s so young for the year… He seems to know half the school already!

[Our eldest son] is also so happy, and his teacher is extremely helpful in helping him address some of his worries and frustrations…It is so reassuring to see a school address issues like this so well, so that the children get used to talking about their feelings and worries at a young age.”

-Year 1 and Year 4 parent, November 2021.

“I wanted to pass on our deepest thanks to you and all the team at Greenfield for managing to deliver such a good year for [our son] despite the many obstacles thrown in the way. The progress he has made under the watchful eye of [his teacher] and her support team is huge and a real achievement against adversity.”

– Reception parent, July 2021. 

“We are short of words in expressing our gratitude and appreciation for everything the school has provided. From keeping the children safe, to being transparent and communicating to us parents, to making it so convenient for drop-offs, pick-ups and even arranging lessons in self-isolation, making sure children have their normal school life – Sports Day, residentials, quality education – you have managed it all! This can only be achieved by a team that works with dedication and round the clock, and we commend you for that. Thank you and each and every member of staff of Greenfield for making our children feel comfortable and safe while enjoying their education.”

– Parents of children in Early Years and Year 4, July 2021.

“I have to thank you, the senior leadership team and all the staff.  I have such deep gratitude and respect for all that the Greenfield team does, for the hours that the teachers have put in, for the changes they have made, for the wonderful positive feedback they give, for bringing some sort of normality to our children’s lives.  I marvel at how well these young people adapt and don’t bat an eyelid at setting up for a Zoom saxophone lesson.  We may think it is a very hard time for them at the moment, but wait until they are young adults running this country — they are going to be a force to be reckoned with; no obstacles will get in their way, and they will be ready for anything.

You and your staff are responsible for instilling such remarkable strengths in our/your children.”

-Year 4 parent, March 2021.

“I just wanted to say how happy and settled our boys are. We see a huge change in [our eldest], he is happy and calm and confident, it is amazing. And [our youngest] is powering ahead with his writing and reading. The teachers and staff are amazing and seem to understand our boys immediately. So thank you, so very much.”

– Parent of children in Year 2 and Year 5, October 2020. 

“I was over the moon last night following parents’ evening not just because of how well [our child] is doing but also because of the investment that each member of staff is making in him. Every teacher I spoke to clearly knows and values him, is very willing to work with him to progress in various ways.

– Year 5 parent, 2018. 

“Everyone at Greenfield has instilled such confidence and self-esteem into our daughter. She grew up massively in the first week at Senior School as she had the confidence to ask questions, approach staff and sort herself out. She has been beyond prepared academically; the learning has just quietly occurred whilst she has embraced the other aspects of school.
I cannot thank Greenfield enough and she will always have such fond, happy memories of her time with you.”

-Parent of Year 6 leaver, July 2017.

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Open Morning - Friday 22nd November 2024

Friday, 22nd November, 9 am

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girl and a teacher working at their desk