Will your child start their transition to Reception soon?
Reception is the beginning of full-time education and it is a milestone in the children’s young lives.
We believe that their Reception year should be full of happy memories – for both the children and their parents.
The educational foundation that children receive in Reception at Greenfield is integral to their progress as they mature. Learning the correct way to grip a pencil, memorising phonics and understanding tricky words are all focuses of this important year.
With small groups and one-to-one sessions, our teaching is adapted to suit the needs of each individual child, allowing every child the opportunity to progress quickly.
We deliver the Early Years curriculum in an exciting and engaging way that often takes children out of the classroom – from the professional dance studio, to the sprawling Sports Hall, to the incredible Forest School at the edge of the school field.
Whether your child transitions into Reception from our Early Years department, a local nursery, pre-school or being at home with you, they will benefit from the superb facilities and teaching on offer in Greenfield’s Pre-Prep department.
Your child’s year in Reception will disappear in a flash; consumed in a whirlwind of projects, artwork, trips, performances, clubs, reading, writing and role play. But most of all it will be a happy year where your baby transforms into a proper little person with thoughts and opinions all of their own. At Greenfield we aim to give every child the happiest start to their education –Â all without them realising they are being educated at all…!
Get in touch with our admissions department today and find out more about Greenfield’s excellent education. Read our prospectus, visit our school and come and experience the magic of Greenfield first-hand at one of our Open Mornings.
We look forward to meeting you soon.