boy getting involved with finger painting


Pre-Prep is made up of the children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 and, as you might expect with a group of 4-7 year olds, it is a whole lot of fun!

Reception children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage, before moving onto the Key Stage 1 curriculum for Years 1 and 2. This provides a gentle transition for all children, but especially those who have experienced our Little School and Robins provision. Our teaching staff are dedicated professionals with much experience in teaching children of this age. They work collaboratively to ensure the children finish Pre-Prep with solid foundations and, where appropriate, advanced understanding of certain concepts.

Pastoral care throughout Greenfield is exceptionally strong. In Pre-Prep, the pastoral needs of the children are monitored by their form teacher and teaching assistant. Our open-door policy enables us to have ongoing dialogue with our parents about the wellbeing of each child. We believe that happiness is the foundation to academic success.

Our Curriculum

In Pre-Prep, our pedagogy is a combination that is curated to fit the needs of the child. Each child requires a different ‘diet’ including time on the carpet, self-directed time, teacher led time and indoor and outdoor play.

Our Pre-Prep classrooms are arranged around the beautiful atrium library. This central space is where children from across the school come to read and make use of the library, and the quiet hubbub makes it the perfect place for small groups to work or read aloud to an adult.

Greenfield is relatively unique in the way we extend specialist teaching down into Pre-Prep. Whilst many schools withhold this opportunity until Year 3, we believe that introducing specialist teaching across a broader range of subjects is endlessly beneficial. Specialist teaching is delivered to Reception children in PE, Music and Dance. This is extended in Years 1 and 2 to include French, Art, Drama, and swimming lessons every week for 2 full academic years.

Reception children have weekly circle time as well as show and tell, where they are given the opportunity to speak in front of their peers and share a passion or interest they have. These skills help to prepare the children for the many performance opportunities they will have at Greenfield School. Reception children usually produce a Christmas performance, whilst Years 1 and 2 have summer performances full of singing, dancing and displays of artistic work. From Year 1 upwards, every form group performs an annual class assembly for their parents. These informal productions are often great fun and fill the school with early morning laughter.

The end of Pre-Prep is marked by our much-loved Celebration Assembly, where every child stands on stage and tells the audience of teary-eyed parents and staff what achievement they are most proud of from their time in Pre-Prep – re-affirming that they are ready for the excitement, challenge and opportunities of Year 3.

Beyond the Classroom

Reception children share their own dedicated outdoor play area with the Robins and Owls children (2-4 year olds). This gives them the feeling of being big fish whilst also knowing that their peers in Years 1 and 2 are close by and ready to look out for them when they need it. They also spend time in the main playground, getting used to the larger equipment and playing with bigger children.

Opportunities outside of the classroom are plentiful throughout Pre-Prep. Most specialist lessons take place in a specialist teaching space, such as the dance studio or sports hall, and all our Pre-Prep classrooms have direct access to the outside, offering great opportunities to learn in the fresh air.

Forest School is an important part of a Greenfield education. The children have a dedicated Forest School session at least once per term, but the teachers are free to utilise this space for teaching other subjects too. In addition, our Social Responsibility framework, some after school and lunchtime clubs create further opportunities for the children to enjoy our two Forest Schools.

Even our youngest children are given opportunities to go offsite in the form of education trips and visits. Examples include pumpkin picking and local farm visits, aquarium tours and visits to the science museum.

[Our son] has been loving Greenfield…We now have a happier, thriving, more confident and engaged son thanks to all the brilliant work of Greenfield staff.


Parent of new starter in Year 2, 2023

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