2 girls working on an art project

A Day in Prep

The Prep School is a happy combination of focussed learning and inspiring holistic education. Two days in the Prep School are rarely the same, and many of our children have unique timetables that take into account additional music lessons, SEN support or, in Year 6, mentoring and prefect duties. Below is a simple example of what a day in the Prep school might look like:

Example Timetable

07:30-08:15 Optional Breakfast Club
08:15-08:25 From 08:15, the children can access their classrooms and their lockers to get ready for the day ahead. They have a short registration period before heading into Lesson 1.
08:35-09:20 Lesson 1 is likely to be a Maths or English lesson, making the most of freshly fed brains and early morning energy. The children are split into three working groups, usually ability focussed groups, with additional small groups created by the Learning Enrichment Department when required.
09:20-10:05 Lesson 2 could be a French lesson with Mme Lupi. We encourage the children to engage in conversation with their peers, expanding their vocabulary and giving them confidence to help instil a love of languages.
10:05-10:30 Snack and break time usually takes place outside. The children make the most of our field for football or cricket, enjoy our play equipment or make up their own fun on the playground.
10:30-11:15 History or Geography could be on the cards after break time. Humanities are taught in an engaging and interactive way, sparking conversation and debate as well as covering important facts and figures from history.
11:15-12:00 Heading into lunchtime, the children may have a Reasoning lesson. This is something we introduce in Year 4 to help prepare children for the types of questioning they will see in 11+ examinations.
12:00-13:00 The older children have their playtime first, before retreating inside for a delicious hot lunch in the dining room. Some of our Year 6 children lend a hand in the dining room as part of their Roles of Responsibility, which range from Prefect and House Captains to Head Boy and Head Girl.
13:00-13:20 Our form time takes place after lunch, ensuring valuable morning concentration is focussed on the core subjects. Form teachers use this time to cover PSHE topics and share in the celebration of individual achievements. This time is also used for assemblies on certain weekdays.
13:20-15:35 Twice per week, lessons 5-7 are dedicated to sport and may be used for fixtures or skill-building and training. On the alternate days, there could be double Science, or a combination of Drama, Music, Art Carousel (a mixture of architecture, art appreciation, gymnastics and other topics) or our unique subject called Understanding the World (debating, ethics, politics and much more!)
15:35-15:40 A final return to the form room to gather belongings and either head for dismissal or off to one of our many incredible extra-curricular activities.


Open Morning

Discover Greenfield at our next Open Morning on Friday 7th March, 9am-11am.

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