The data you provide on this form will be used to update the School’s Management Information System and will be accessed by staff, where appropriate, to determine the correct course of action in situations involving your son or daughter. It is essential that this information is detailed and correct at the time of completion and it is the parents’ responsibility to update the school on any changes to the details provided on this form.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of May 2018, we hereby wish to notify you of how we intend to use the information you will provide on this form. The data we request on this form is deemed to be of either legal, vital or legitimate interest to the school. Your data will be kept in its entirety so long as your child is in attendance at the school. When your child leaves the school, some or all of your data may be kept dependent on various qualifying factors. Please see our Data Policy for more information on retention periods and how we use your data.
Please complete the medication form linked below, which will be stored with your child's medication. You will be fully responsible for ensuring the medicine provided to us is kept within use-by dates.
It is a requirement of the Independent Schools Council (ISC) that we hold details of all our pupils’ ethnic origin. Since 1990 all maintained schools have been legally required to record the ethnic group of every pupil on entry to primary education and again on entry to secondary education. The categories used are consistent with those used by the DCSF. The options below has been taken from the Independent Schools Council annual census return.
*Internal purposes include: identification on the school's MIS, internal display boards, all records kept for posterity including videos of performances, images shared on the school app and images shared with incoming families. It also includes any other images documenting school life and work that are not shared with the outside community.
It is the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian to keep us informed of any changes to the information on this form. We consent to the participation of our child in any reasonable off-site activities and trips within the normal school day, for which all Greenfield pupils are fully insured. We indemnify Greenfield staff, or those nominated by the school, against costs or expenses reasonably incurred by them on behalf of our child. In the event of the school being unable to contact a parent/carer with regard to an incident/accident either at school or during off-site and residential activities, we consent to the giving of urgent medical or surgical treatment to our child as may prove necessary. We undertake to inform the school office of any changes to the information contained in this form.
Discover Greenfield at our next Open Morning on Friday 7th March, 9am-11am.
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