Katie (Class of 2018)


I joined Greenfield when I was four years old and left at the end of Year Six in 2018. I am now in Year 10 at St. John’s School, Leatherhead. I absolutely loved my time at Greenfield, and I feel like it has prepared me well for life at senior school.

My first impression of Greenfield was that it had a warm, friendly and inclusive atmosphere.

As soon as I walked through the door people came up to talk and play with me and I quickly made lots of friends. I’m told that it was the welcoming atmosphere, the enthusiasm of the pupils and the obvious passion for teaching and education shown by the staff, which persuaded my parents to choose Greenfield for me.

The teachers at Greenfield were amazing; always so kind and caring, and such a great place to learn and grow as a young child.

I always felt supported and I knew that I could go to a teacher for help or advice whenever I needed it. They built up my self-esteem and helped me to believe that I could do anything that I set my mind to. Mr Lovejoy was one of my favourite teachers because he made our Science lessons really fun!

The children at Greenfield were all very kind and didn’t want anyone to feel left out – my friends and I would spend our breaktimes talking to nearly everyone in the year group and playing sports.

I enjoyed all my lessons at Greenfield, but my favourites were French, Spanish, Drama, History, and Maths. I also enjoyed lots of after school clubs such as Judo and Computing. I loved the lunches and teas we had at Greenfield, too!

My favourite moment during my time there was probably the ski trip when I was in Year 5. It was really fun to spend time with my friends and learn new skills. Although I didn’t realise it at the time, being away from home, even if only for a few days, gave me a lot of confidence and definitely helped me to be a bit more independent –  something that was very useful when starting secondary school.

I am currently studying for my GCSEs – I’m taking all of my favourite subjects including French, Spanish, Drama and History. I still have a love of languages but my favourite subject now is History. I’m glad to say that I am still in touch with many of my friends from Greenfield; one of our favourite things to do is play water sports on the weekends.

Having so many different interests and favourite subjects, I’m not yet certain on what I want to do when I grow up – but I know that Greenfield will have prepared me well for whatever I choose to do. My advice to anyone thinking of joining Greenfield is to do it because it is an amazing school and I loved every minute there.

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