Uniform lists for each age group are available to download using the links below.
Our school uniform is supplied by Stevensons Schoolwear, operating from Guildford Schools and Sports located in Burpham (210 London Road, Burpham, Guildford GU4 7JS), and we also have a second hand uniform shop run by a Greenfield parent volunteer.
Important Notes
- On days when children have PE, they wear PE kit into school.
- Our Uniform is unisex.
- Children in Reception wear the Lower School uniform with a polo top instead of white shirt and tie until the beginning of the summer term.
- All children in Reception through to Year 6 must own a blazer.
- Skirts may be chosen in favour of a tunic in Years 5 and 6 only.
- Children who fail to bring the required PE kit, such as a properly-fitting mouthguard, to appropriate PE lessons will not be able to participate.
- Little School pupils do not have a uniform, but there are a couple of accessory items parents are asked to purchase such as a bag and lunch apron.