As always we started Anti-Bullying week with a joyous Odd Socks Day. We invited all children and staff to wear their loudest, zaniest socks to school – in order to express our uniqueness, celebrate our differences and champion individuality. The children had heaps of creativity this year, not drawing the line at simply wearing odd socks on their feet; many children donned sock headwear, sock belts, sock adornments and event brought in their stuffed toys wearing odd socks.
Reach Out Role Play
Throughout the Week, Open View Education joined us and hosted an array of interactive workshops for children in Year 1 to Year 6. Through role play and meaningful discussion on the theme ‘Reach Out’ the children explored what it really means to support their friends in need. Lower School focused on repetitive phrases and actions that show kindness. To look at each person’s differences, they acted out the “Hare and the Tortoise” story. Middle and Upper Schools looks at acting out conflict scenarios; how to be an upstander and key words and phrases to help with problem-solving.
Talking Kindness with Greenfield
For their class assembly on Friday morning, one of our Year 4 classes chatted to various children and staff about their thoughts on kindness. Participants were quizzed on how to support a friend who is anxious, how to boost a friend’s bravery and how to reach out and be kind. You can watch their interviews below – we enjoyed all the different responses from staff and children across different year groups.
Reflection and Celebration
In their Anti-Bullying Celebration assembly on we enjoyed presentations from each year group to reflect on what they had learned that week; from the books and poems they had read, to the ideas they came up with and games/activities around the theme ‘Reach Out’. Never a school to shy away from an opportunity to sing, we concluded our week with a celebratory rendition of the Anti-Bullying Song, ‘Speak Up, Reach Out’.