On Thursday 29th June it was announced by IAPS that Tania Botting is to be appointed Chair of IAPS, following on from current Chair, Andrew Nott, who steps down in August 2024.
The Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS) is a membership body offering guidance and advice to Heads and their schools. IAPS membership is a marker of excellence amongst prep schools and parents, ensuring best practice and the highest standards of education. Founded in 1892, it is the largest Heads Association within the Independent Schools Council (ISC), with over 660 member schools.
Mrs Botting has a long association with IAPS and has held numerous posts throughout her tenure as Head at Greenfield School. From 2015 through to 2017 she was elected by Surrey Heads to act as Chair of the District and represent Surrey matters at the IAPS headquarters.
From 2017-2018, Tania was elected as Vice Chairman of the Board. This post is held for one year by a serving Head and, as well as acting as conduit between membership and the board, also requires the post-holder to organise the annual IAPS conference. In September 2017, Tania hosted the conference in Edinburgh and provided delegates with a three-day schedule of speakers and seminars on “Aspirational and Inspirational Education”.
The IAPS website states: “It is the job of the Chair to guide the chief executive and staff, attend committee meetings, act as an expert spokesperson and be consulted on significant policy decisions.” Unlike Mrs Botting’s previous posts within the association, the role of Chair is not held by a serving Head and will require involvement in strategic decision making for the Association.
Mrs Botting announced her retirement from Headship to the school community in April 2023, four terms ahead of her departure. She will take on her new, three-year post from 1st September 2024.