2 students playing with blocks
children enjoying water play
smiling boy

Starting in Reception: Making the Transition from Nursery to ‘Big School’.

Posted: 6th October 2023

Starting school is a big milestone for children. It is a time of new beginnings, new challenges, and new opportunities. For parents, it can also be a time of mixed emotions. We are excited for our children to start their next chapter, but we may also be feeling anxious about the transition.

At Greenfield School, we are committed to ensuring that this transition is as smooth as possible for both children and parents; upholding a welcoming and supportive school environment where all children can thrive.

To help our Little School nursery families make this jump, and understand the decisions and processes that are over the horizon for their little one, we host Open Mornings exclusively for our Little School families. During the open morning, parents get to see the many exciting lessons, small teaching groups and impressive facilities that our Reception and Lower School children experience every day.

Children in Fledglings and Owls occupy bright and airy spaces in the discovery building; they can often be found using the Dance Studio, Forest School or our big Sports Hall for their daily exploration and physical activity. Our Open Mornings give parents the opportunity to see the classrooms and facilities available to all children at Greenfield, as well as understanding more about the changes that will happen when their child moves up to the next stage – from curriculum, uniform, lunchtimes, clubs, trips and more.

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Here are our top 5 tips for helping your child transition to “big school”:

  1. Engage with the school early. Young children often have lots of questions and the more knowledgeable you can make yourself on the experience of joining Reception at your chosen school, the better equipped you will be to answer the nitty gritty questions that your 3 or 4-year-old might probe you with! Schools often host events and open mornings for Reception families and by attending these you can ensure you are prepared for the sorts of things your child will get up to in their first few days and beyond. These events can also be a great way for you to make connections with other families whose children are joining Reception, so you can look to build some relationships over the summer prior to the big first day.

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  1. Talk to your child about what to expect. Explain what to expect, such as the different subjects they will be learning and the new people they will meet. Some children might experience a longer day or week than in their previous setting and talking about this or adjusting your routine in advance can help them deal with this change. Focus on the positive aspects, explaining all about the fun and exciting things they will experience, such as trips, activities, clubs and lots of new friends.
  1. Help your child foster greater independence. Confidence is often rooted in the ability to be independent and feel in control of one’s own outcomes. For young children, being able to dress themselves or put their shoes on the right feet represent ways in which they can feel in control in a new environment. Helping your child to take on some new independence challenges – such as remembering their bag, dressing themselves, taking care of their belongings, putting their shoes on the right feet – is a great way to help them feel confident and prepared for a new chapter.
  1. Embrace the ready-made community on offer. Starting school presents a great opportunity for parents to benefit from being a part of the school’s community. If your child’s school has a nursery or pre-school, you could ask whether you could be put in touch with some parents whose children will be transitioning into Reception at the same time as your child. There are many advantages to this, including support and social networking: talking to other parents about the transition is a great way to share experiences and receive advice on the transition period.

Greenfield School Community

  1. Talk to the teachers about your child’s individual needs and interests.This will help the teacher to support your child in the best possible way. By sharing any specific family circumstances, or perhaps more recent challenges you have experienced at home, with your child’s teacher you can help ensure continuity for your child in the care and expectations they will encounter when they start school.

Starting school is a new beginning for your child. It is a time for them to learn and grow, to make new friends, and to discover their passions. Nobody knows your child better than you, and by trusting your instincts and adapting your preparations to suit your child, you can ensure they are feeling confident, excited and well-prepared for this new adventure.

Reception Taster Morning

Tuesday, 10th September, 9 am – 10 am

For families looking to join Reception in September 2025.

For further information please click here:

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