Mr Robinson’s Weekly Letter | Spring Term | End of Week 1

Posted: 31st January 2025

10th January 2025

Dear Greenfield Families,

I have been able to say Happy New Year to the vast majority of you in person, but am catching the rest of you here to wish you the best for 2025. I hope that you and your children enjoy the highs and accept the lows, learn, play and eat together, laugh and cry, run and jump, cry and sing, dance and cuddle, and embrace the fun and challenges of growing as part of 2025’s rich adventure.

2025’s first assembly, on Tuesday, was centred on a polar adventurer called Preet Chandi, whose exploits have led her to three world records and an attempt at a fourth in March later this year. I suggested that the children might consider some resolutions true to Polar Preet’s nature and behaviours, and share them with you so that, if you choose to, you can remind them to be: Independent (age appropriately!), Quirky, Determined, Sensible and Active.

It is not long before the Open event on Saturday 1st February (from 930-12), at which we would very much like lots of our wonderful Greenfield children to show off our school to prospective families. Thank you to those that have signed their children up, and further thanks to those that have spread the word to friends – prospective families should sign up via the website.

Hugo, my sproodle, was in this week and enjoyed the attention of many children not least running after the ball hit across the Big G by those that queued to do so. He may well be joining me and many Greenfield families at the Surrey half – please see Mr Maxwell’s recent post here. By then I hope it will have warmed up, but while it’s still Polar I am grateful for you all sending the children
in dressed as warmly as is necessary.

Finally, as part of our celebration and education of the world’s great religions we will be recognising the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah. Mr Upcott would love to hear from any family that would like to contribute in any way.

Have a super weekend of quirkiness and activity, fun and cuddles.

M. W. Robinson – Head

Categories: Blog
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