Mr Robinson’s Weekly Letter | Spring Term | End of Week 2

Posted: 31st January 2025

17th January 2025 

 Dear Greenfield Families, 

As the days lengthen and the freezing temperatures have abated, we have had another super Greenfield week.  

Mr Upcott’s Tuesday assembly on Hanukkah was well supported by a number of families that contributed family anecdotes and pictures. Next to the Dining room’s internal entrance, large posters are going up to recognise the world religions. As the Judaism poster comes down soon, the children will become excited about the next religion we will celebrate. Watch this space … and that one. 

The dining room was well used this morning by Yr 5 and 6 parents after the Upper School book look. A number of parents referred to their children’s pride in showing them their learning. It was a very purposeful hour. 

Next Friday we are hosting another purposeful FrOGS event: the “January Hot Chocolate” – source your tickets on class list here! As before Christmas, the Dining room will morph into a Hot Chocolate shop where children and thirsty adults will be able to jazz up their drinks with marshmallows and other treats. The last one raised comfortably over £300 which has been spent already on the “Children, Smartphones and Apps” presentation / meeting on February 11th which I have mentioned before. We’d love to get an idea of how many of you are coming, so please click here to let us know. (And do pass it on to families from other schools – this is for the whole community as we all need educating on Smartphones and Apps). 

I hope you saw Mr Maxwell’s report on this App, stating that every child in Upper and Middle school has been offered the chance to compete in matches against other schools; this week we had girls’ football and boys’ tag rugby matches. And, of course, there are more to come! 

Have a super weekend, with some purposeful outdoor time … and perhaps a hot chocolate. 


M. W. Robinson – Head

Categories: Blog