boy playing the electric guitar

How To Be An Anti-Bullying Ambassador

Posted: 14th September 2022

On Tuesday 13th September, we were proud to host a full day of ‘Anti-Bullying Training’ with several other local schools.

Anti-Bullying Ambassador Training Day
Hosted by The Diana Award, the Anti-Bullying Campaign is supported by HRH The Duke of Cambridge and aims to engage young people, parents, and teachers to change their attitudes, behaviour, and culture of bullying by building skills and confidence to address different situations, both online and offline (

Greenfield School has a zero-tolerance approach to bullying behaviour. Fostering a community built on kindness and respect is a cornerstone of Greenfield’s ethos, and we embrace all opportunities to continue our work in promoting anti-bullying behaviour.

On September 13th, 2022, we welcomed 70 children from different primary schools – state and independent – to participate in the Anti-Bullying Ambassador Training Day.

Being An Ambassador
Through games, quizzes and lots of fun interactive workshops, the children explored what bullying behaviour is, how they can support their peers, and even how to build an anti-bullying campaign. With so many participants from a range of schools, the children took part in lots of engaging activities that celebrated their differences, expressed their uniqueness, and had them think about the innate respect they had for one another, and everyone around them.

The children considered the different types of bullying (Verbal, Indirect and Physical) and the actions that can be taken to support children that might be in need, and what to do if they see bullying behaviour taking place (being an Upstander, not a Bystander!).

To conclude the day with everything they had learned, the children worked in small groups to come up with Anti-Bullying campaigns; their ideas included a ‘Bully Box’ where children could report any bullying behaviour to their teachers; and a ‘Friend Friday’, where you had to talk to at least three new friends at school every Friday.

Why is an Anti-Bullying Campaign So Important?
Reflecting on the day, a few children commented that although they had never experienced bullying behaviour themselves, they would never want anyone to feel that way and would go out of their way to stop it. One child commented that the workshop was important to them because they only ever want others around them to be happy.

Every child that attends Greenfield is expected to follow ‘The Greenfield Way’, which is as follows:

  • Treat others as you wish to be treated
  • Forgive
  • Share
  • Listen
  • Be honest
  • Be respectful
  • Be kind and helpful
  • Do your best to be your best self.

Through hosting Anti-Bullying workshops; emphasising Social Responsibility throughout the curriculum, and focusing on a particular theme every fortnight to promote citizenship (this fortnight is ‘Kindness’), we aim to nurture Greenfield children into mature and empathetic individuals whose kindness, respect, and community spirit reaches far beyond our school walls.

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