Mr Robinson’s Weekly Letter | Spring Term | End of Week 4

Posted: 3rd February 2025

31st January 2025

Dear Greenfield Families,

As the days lengthen incrementally and the children grow taller similarly fast (though some of our Yr 6 pupils are having spurts, I think) there is a lovely positivity around the school. Yesterday’s sun helped, as did a seemingly busy birthday week. I saw many birthday badges around the school.

There have been lots of sporting endeavours with football, tag rugby and hockey tournaments and festivals, and our children have acquitted themselves very impressively. I hope the rain stays away and our pitches can recover a bit over the next weeks. Thank you for all your sports kit washing and outdoor shoes provision!

Talking of outdoors, Mrs Mason delivered a super Eco assembly on Monday, in which the children heard about how we became an Eco-school and played a recycling identification game. I hope they will help at home with this important job!

Tomorrow is Open morning and we look forward to welcoming a number of families to visit our school; I’d like to thank those of you that are lending us your children and to my colleagues who have worked very hard to prepare. Further thanks to those of you that passed on news of the Open morning to your friends.

Mr Gudgeon will be in touch with you this time next week with information regarding the upcoming Parents’ Evening which take place after half term. I know my colleagues are looking forward to sharing the progress of your children with you.

Talking of progress, we are receiving wonderful news about our Yr 6 cohort’s entrance exams to their various Senior school choices. Watch this space for final details over the next couple of weeks. Miss Griffiths and I look forward to meeting Year 5 families to discuss senior school destinations soon: booking goes live on 10th February.

Next week sees Bikeability for Yr 4 children who have signed up and Children’s Mental Health Week, for which Miss Slater has prepared a number of different events, one of which is Hugo (my dog) reading to various classes; I may attend. I suspect he will receive even more attention than normal … And expect to have some cress in a pot on Friday!

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend.


M. W. Robinson – Head

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