The Lower School education framework builds on the foundations put in place throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage, harnessing each child’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning to help them take great strides into Key Stage 1.
As the children move through Years 1 and 2 there is greater focus on English and Maths, whilst maintaining a very holistic approach that engages and inspires the young.
Our Curriculum
The children are mainly taught by their Form Teacher along with specialist teachers for Music, French, PE, ICT, STEM, Art, Swimming and Dance. They enjoy an exciting and stimulating curriculum including Mathematics, English, Science, Topic, Art Carousel, PSHE and Problem Solving.
Beyond the Classroom
Our Pre-Prep staff are exceptionally skilled at providing a broad, holistic provision for 5-7 year olds. This involves providing many opportunities for learning outside of the classroom, including building skills that go beyond the purely academic.
We have an enormous range of clubs that take place at lunchtime or after school. Examples include football, chess and bookmunchers.
Forest School provides myriad opportunities for outdoor learning, as does the Zen Garden which is located directly outside each of our Pre-Prep classrooms.
The children extend their learning by taking educational trips to places such as RHS Wisley, local farms and animal sanctuaries, and museums.
Pre-Prep children are fully immersed in our annual Activities Week, which includes many workshops and extraordinary activities.
We also have an annual Arts Week, which provides further opportunities for children to embed their knowledge outside of the classroom, experiencing workshops and activities based on an artist or artistic principle.
Performances are plentiful and the children participate in class assemblies and seasonal performances each year.