boy playing the electric guitar

Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Posted: 17th March 2023

In 2023, Greenfield School took part in the worldwide Neurodiversity Celebration Week.

In an effort to promote and celebrate neurodiversity, Greenfield School participated in Neurodiversity Celebration Week from 13th – 17th March. The week-long event included various activities and lessons designed to help children understand and appreciate the unique ways in which different individuals think and learn.

Children and Neurodiversity
One of the highlights of the week was a challenge in which children in Middle and Upper School submitted posters, presentations, and videos that showcased their understanding of neurodiversity. This provided an opportunity for students to showcase their creativity and understanding of the topic in a fun and engaging way, including their own real-life experiences.

Our Unique Minds
Art lessons during the week also focused on the concept of individuality and how our minds are unique to us. Children were encouraged to create artwork that represented their own thoughts and perspectives, further reinforcing the idea that everyone’s mind is different and should be celebrated.

Learning In Different Ways
Additionally, the week included a lesson called “Neurodiversity Celebration” (in place of our UTW lessons) which explored how each of us perceives and processes information differently. We learned that these differences can manifest in various ways, such as different learning styles or ways of working, and that there is no one “right way” for children or adults to learn and work.

An Inclusive Learning Environment
Overall, Neurodiversity Week aimed to promote a more inclusive and understanding school community; as part of our core ethos, Greenfield is proud to champion inclusivity and embrace diversity throughout the school. By highlighting the unique ways in which our minds work and encouraging students to embrace and celebrate their individuality, we hope to maintain a positive and accepting learning environment for all students.

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