students with a series of creations

Year 6 Results

At Greenfield, we place great emphasis on selecting the right senior school for each individual pupil; we feed to over 30 top independent schools across Surrey, Hampshire, Middlesex and Greater London. Year after year, our Year 6 results speak for themselves as every child achieves their potential, securing a bright future at their chosen Senior School.

As an academically non-selective school, we have a mixture of abilities, talents and personalities in each year group, so naturally one cohort can differ greatly from the next. At Greenfield, achievement is celebrated in all its semblances; for some it comes in the form of a top academic award, and for others it is the Year 7 offer that they never dreamed possible. This is the joy of Greenfield School.


Our class of 2024 is comprised of 19 girls and 20 boys. Of these children, 36 made applications to Senior Schools in Surrey and the surrounding areas. Every child achieved at least one Senior School offer, with the 36 children achieving an outstanding 89 offers from 25 of Surrey’s top independent Senior Schools. On top of this, the children received 26 scholarships and exhibitions, across a varied array of disciplines, as we have come to expect from Greenfield leavers. This year we celebrated our first scholarship in Computer Science being awarded, as well as scholarships and awards being offered in Academia, Art, Drama, Music, Sport, DT, and Mathematics.

For more details on our results, please see the tables below or download the PDF document for information on previous years.

Destination Schools 2023-24

School Offers Made Scholarship, Exhibitions and Awards Acceptances
Box Hill School 2 2
Charterhouse School 1
Claremont Fan Court 1 1
Cranmore 1 1
Duke of Kent 2 1 1
Farnborough Hill 2 2
Guildford High School 4 1 4
Halliford School 1 1
Halstead St Andrew’s School 1 1 1
Hampton School 1
King Edward’s School Witley 8 5 5
Luckley House School 8 4 3
LVS Ascot 6 1 4
Manor House 2 1
More House 1 1
Notre Dame School 2
Prior’s Field 1 1
Reed’s 1
The RGS 3 3
Salesian College 4 1
Sir William Perkins’s School 7 1 2
St Catherine’s 10 2 5
St Edmund’s School 1
St George’s Ascot 3 1
St George’s College 2
St Teresa’s 5 1 1
Tormead 6 2

11+ Results 2024

Subject School Award
Academia Box Hill School Academic Scholarship
Claremont Fan Court School Academic Scholarship
Guildford High School Academic Exhibition
Halstead St Andrews School Academic Scholarship
King Edward’s School Witley Academic Scholarship
King Edward’s School Witley Honorary Academic Exhibition
Luckley House School Academic Scholarship
Salesian College Academic Scholarship
St George’s Ascot Academic Scholarship
Tormead School Academic Scholarship
Art Box Hill Art Scholarship
King Edward’s School, Witley Art Scholarship
LVS Art Scholarship
Computer Science Duke of Kent Computer Science Scholarship
Design & Technology King Edward’s School Witley DT Scholarship
King Edward’s School Witley DT Scholarship
Drama Luckley House School Heads Exhibition (Sport & Drama)
Tormead School Drama Scholarship
Mathematics Priors Field School Maths Scholarship
Music Cranmore School Music Scholarship
St Catherine’s School Music Award
St Catherine’s School Music Award
St Teresa’s School Music Scholarship
Sir William Perkins’ School Music Scholarship
Sport Luckley House School Heads Exhibition (Sport & Drama)
Luckley House School  Sport Scholarship


School Offers Made Scholarship, Exhibitions and Awards
Box Hill School 2 2
Claremont Fan Court 1 1
Charterhouse 1
Cranmore 1 1
Duke of Kent 2 1
Farnborough Hill 2
Guildford High School 4 1
Halliford School 1
Halstead St Andrew’s School 1 1
Hampton School 1
King Edward’s School Witley 8 5
Luckley House School 8 4
LVS Ascot 6 1
Manor House 2
More House 1
Notre Dame School 2
Prior’s Field 1 1
Reed’s 1
The RGS 3
Salesian College 4 1
Sir William Perkins’s School 7 1
St Catherine’s 10 2
St Edmund’s School 1
St George’s Ascot 3 1
St George’s College 2
St Teresa’s 5 1
Tormead 6 2

11+ Results 2023

In 2022-23, 33 of our Year 6 pupils applied for places at independent senior schools.  The 33 children achieved 66 offers from 28 top independent schools. They also received a total of 24 scholarships across a range of subjects and 5 exhibitions or awards. They each earned a place at one of their chosen schools with an overall success rate of 91%. They earned 29 scholarships, exhibitions and awards between them, across academia, art, DT, drama, music and sport. In addition, pupils were offered and have accepted places at Gordon’s School and other local state schools.

Subject School Award
Academia Farnborough Hill Deplanck Scholarship (with Music)
King Edward’s School Witley Honorary Academic Award
Prior’s Field Full Academic Scholarship
Prior’s Field Academic Scholarship (maths)
Prior’s Field Academic Exhibition (maths)
Salesian College Scholarship
Sir William Perkins’s School Scholarship
Art Cranmore Scholarship
Farnborough Hill Scholarship
Prior’s Field Scholarship
Prior’s Field Exhibition
Design & Technology King Edward’s School Witley Scholarship
King Edward’s School Witley Scholarship
Drama King Edward’s School Witley Scholarship
King Edward’s School Witley Scholarship
Luckley House School Scholarship
Manor House School Scholarship
Music Farnborough Hill Deplanck Scholarship (with Academic)
Farnborough Hill Scholarship
King Edward’s School Witley Scholarship
Manor House School Scholarship
Prior’s Field School Scholarship
Sir William Perkins’s School Scholarship
St Catherine’s Bramley Instrumental Award (French Horn)
St Teresa’s Effingham Scholarship
St Teresa’s Effingham Scholarship
Sport King Edward’s School Witley Scholarship
Luckley House School Exhibition
Prior’s Field School Scholarship (hockey)


School Offers Made Scholarship, Exhibitions and Awards Offers Accepted
ACS Cobham 2 1
ACS Egham 1 1
Box Hill School 1 1
Claremont Fan Court 1
Cranmore 1 1 1
Farnborough Hill 6 4 1
Guildford High School 1
Halliford School 1
Hampton School 1
Hoe Bridge Senior School 1 1
Holme Grange 1
King Edward’s School Witley 13 7 4
Luckley House School 5 2
LVS Ascot 2 2
Manor House 1 2
More House 1 1
Prior’s Field 4 7 2
Reed’s 1
The RGS 5 4
Salesian College 6 1 3
St Catherine’s 3 1 2
St George’s College 5 2
St John’s Leatherhead 1
St Teresa’s 2 2 1
Sir William Perkins’s School 3 2 2
Tormead 6

11+ Results 2022

Our Year 6 cohort of 36 children achieved 67 offers from 27 top independent schools. They also received 20 scholarships and exhibitions and 2 music awards and these were shared amongst 40% of the cohort.

In addition, pupils were offered and have accepted places at Gordon’s School, Winston Churchill School and Woking High School.

Name of School Number of Places Offered Number of Places Accepted Scholarships/Exhibitions Offered
ACS Egham 1
Boxhill School 3 1 1 Head’s Scholarship

2 Drama Scholarships

Claremont Fan Court School 1
St Catherine’s School, Bramley 5 3 2 Music Awards
Caterham School 1 1
Churcher’s College 1
Claremont Fan Court 1
Cranleigh Prep & Senior 1 1
Epsom College 1
Farnborough Hill 2
Frensham Heights 1 1
St George’s College, Weybridge 2 1 1 Academic Scholarship
Godolphin 1
Guildford High School 1 1
Halliford 1 1
St John’s School, Leatherhead 1
King Edward’s School, Witley 8 4 1 Academic Scholarship

1 Drama Scholarship

2 Art Scholarships

1 Music Scholarship

Luckley House 1
LVS Ascot 10 4 1 Academic Scholarship

1 Performing Arts Scholarship

Manor House School 1
More House 1 1
Notre Dame School 1
Reed’s School 2 1 Sport Exhibition
The Royal Grammar School, Guildford 3 1
The Royal School 1 1 1 Art Exhibition
Salesian College


4 1 1 Academic Scholarship
Sir William Perkins’s School 6 2 2 Drama Scholarships
Tormead School 6 2 1 Academic Scholarship

1 Music Scholarship

11+ Results 2021

The cohort of 26 achieved 66 offers from 28 top independent schools. They also received a total of 21 scholarships across a range of subjects and 5 exhibitions or awards.

Name of School Number of Places Offered Number of Places Accepted Scholarships/Exhibitions Offered
Boxhill School 1 1 Academic Scholarship, 1 Music Scholarship, 1 Drama Scholarship
Claremont Fan Court School 3 1 1 All-Rounder Scholarship
Duke of Kent 1 1 1 Music Scholarship
Farnborough Hill 5 1 1 Academic Scholarship
Feltonfleet School 1 1
Fettes College 1 1 1 Music Exhibition
Frensham Heights 1 1
Guildford High School 2 2 1 Academic Scholarship
Hampton School 1 1
King Edward’s School 7 2 1 Art Scholarship, 1 Academic Scholarship
Kingswood House School 1 1
Lady Eleanor Holles School 1
Luckley House 1
LVS, Ascot 3
Manor House 1 1 Drama Scholarship, 1 Music Scholarship
More House 1 1
Prior’s Field 4 1 1 Mathematics Scholarship, 1 Drama Scholarship, 1 Exhibition of Academic Promise, 1 Academic Scholarship, 1 Music Exhibition, 1 Art Exhibition
Reading Girls’ School 1 1
Reed’s 3 1
The Royal Grammar School 4 3
Salesian College 6 2
St Catherine’s 2 1 1 Academic Scholarship
St George’s College 2
St John’s 1
Sir William Perkins’s School 4 2 2 Drama Scholarships, 2 Academic Scholarships
Sylvia Young Theatre School 1 1 1 Performing Arts Scholarship
Tormead 7 1 1 Academic Scholarship, 1 Music Exhibition
Wellington College 1
Open Morning

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